Emergency Family Shelter

A First Step to Housing

Nazareth Housing provides emergency shelter to families who have lost their housing and face compounding barriers to housing stability. Transitional housing solves an immediate need for these families in crisis — a safe living situation. 

With the ultimate goal to create long-term stability and prevent a return to homelessness, Nazareth Housing staff work closely with families while they are living in shelter to address and eliminate barriers to housing stability. Shelter residents have access to a wide range of educational programming and resources to build new skills and reinforce existing strengths. With this holistic approach, shelter residents at Nazareth Housing move to permanent housing 26% faster than the city-wide average.

With a track record that spans 40 years, Nazareth Housing has a well-developed approach to stabilize and strengthen families recovering from the multiple losses and traumas of homelessness. Transitional family housing affords families a critical safety net while they work one-on-one with staff members to build skills and work towards safe and affordable housing.

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